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Charges pressed against a member of the Board of Directors Tapio Kolunsarka in a matter related to Ramirent Plc predating his Board membership

2024 Stock exchange


Charges pressed against a member of the Board of Directors Tapio Kolunsarka in a matter related to Ramirent Plc predating his Board membership

According to information received by Cargotec Corporation (”Cargotec”), the public prosecutor has decided to press charges against Tapio Kolunsarka, who is a member of the Board of Directors of Cargotec, in a criminal matter concerning certain Ramirent Plc’s disclosures as a listed company. Tapio Kolunsarka acted as the Managing Director of Ramirent Plc during the period referred to in the charges in 2019. According to information received by Cargotec, Tapio Kolunsarka denies any involvement in criminal activity. 

Cargotec is not a party to the matter. The charges do not affect the work of the Cargotec Board of Directors.

Cargotec Corporation 

For further information, please contact:
Outi Aaltonen, Senior Vice President, General Counsel, tel. +358 40 503 5187

Cargotec (Nasdaq Helsinki: CGCBV) enables smarter cargo flow for a better everyday with its leading cargo handling solutions and services. Cargotec's business areas Kalmar, Hiab and MacGregor are pioneers in their fields. Through their unique position in ports, at sea and on roads, they optimise global cargo flows and create sustainable customer value. Cargotec has signed the United Nations Global Compact Business Ambition for 1.5°C. The company's sales in 2023 totalled approximately EUR 4.6 billion and it employs around 11,400 people. www.cargotec.com